
Ready to re-ignite the "spark" in your life and work?

It's possible for you through the “Ignite Your Path” coaching program.

Discover the steps to a more purposeful and fulfilling path through a step-by-step roadmap that will help you lead a happier, healthier, purposeful, and prosperous life and career.


You're good at what you do. 


You've reached a certain level of success and achievement.


Everything is "going well enough" in your life and career on paper...


you feel discouraged, exhausted, bored, and completely unfulfilled.


With so many major shifts happening in the world, there is one question that many people are now asking themselves more than ever:


"What am I meant to do in the world that supports the life I want to live AND fires me up?"


If that resonates with you, you likely fall into at least one of the following categories:

You know you are meant for something bigger.
 You're stuck on knowing what exactly that is and how to get there. Something feels like it's missing.
You are not excited or aligned with where you are in an aspect of your life or work.
 You're eager or overdue for a change and recharge.
You are feeling a serious lack of direction and purpose.
Your career or lifestyle has become your identity, which no longer feels authentic to who you are or the life you want to live.
You have achieved a particular level of personal or professional success, but have hit a plateau. 
You feel bored and unchallenged, like you are just "settling," and you're ready to break through to your next level of performance and success.

In short:

 It's common to get stuck on a path of least resistance and then try to "make it fit" to your ideal life later on.
Unfortunately, that way of living life is outdated and only leads to stress, burnout, and discouragement.
When you understand what matters most and feels purposeful and meaningful to you FIRST, then the lifestyle and career that "fits you best" comes easy.

Does this sound familiar?


“I feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and burned out by trying to keep up with work and life responsibilities and demands."


“I have no clear direction or purpose in my life or work”


“I feel a lack of energy and motivation on a regular basis, and it takes me a lot of time and effort to get tasks done”


“I don’t feel fulfilled or connected, and I wish I had more meaning in what I do."


“I am leaving a lot of my potential (and potential income) on the table”


"I've done 'everything right' in my career, but it's not getting me to where I truly want to be."


"I often daydream about another path I wish I was pursuing."


"My feeling of purposelessness is affecting my relationships and how I am showing up for others."


“The idea of making a big change in my life and career feels daunting, stressful, and time consuming.”


This all leads to the question you may be asking yourself:




Fortunately, the answer is a resounding YES


“Ignite Your Path” can show you how.



Amy transitioned from burned out executive in tech to leaning into her creative identity and starting her business as an interior designer and artist (and following her other dream of acting, too!). Hear Amy's story.

Following a proven framework that has helped many people find more purpose and fulfillment in their life and work, “Ignite Your Path” was designed to help you discover more meaning, build more confidence, achieve more clarity and feel a higher level of commitment to work and life with one goal in mind:




Using specialized tools, techniques, exercises, and high-level professional coaching, the “Ignite Your Path” Program will guide you through a powerful discovery process, along with practical strategies to take you from discovery of what’s possible, all the way to navigating practical steps to realign the aspects of your life and career where you're stuck... faster, and with less stress.


By the end of the program, you will walk away with:


  • A healthier mind, body, and spirit so that you can feel at your best and make a greater impact in your world.
  • Ownership of the life YOU want to create, and not feeling trapped by your current circumstances.
  • A sense of balance and harmony in your life so you can spend time with your friends, family, and those most important to you.
  • Inspiration to achieve bigger things that you see others doing and accomplishing, and that you know you are capable of.
  • Clarity on how to realign, reinvent or reimagine parts of your career, life, or business that feel misaligned, and are not utilizing your full potential.
  • More energy and engagement in your work, and excited by what you do professionally.
  • A clear sense of purpose, meaning, and direction in your life and work.
Mitchell was feeling frustrated and helpless in his life and work. He knew there was so much potential that he was capable of. He was stuck in support roles for 13 years, and was ready to reach the next level. In less than 4 months, Mitchell went from support staff to executive at a TV production company, and it changed his life. Hear Mitchell share more.


Most coaching programs only focus on accountability and process, are "one size fits all," only tell you to "find and follow your passion," and often don't address the bigger internal and external challenges that will keep you from leading a truly fulfilling, rewarding, and meaningful life and career.


"Ignite Your Path" goes much deeper. It's not just about learning "how to get by," it's about aligning with a path and a way of living that fires you up inside and out.


Working together, you will ultimately transform into the best version of who you are and were born to be, and uncover how that can bring your biggest goals and dreams to life. 


At the end of the program, you'll walk away fired up about the new opportunities and possibilities that you may not have uncovered on your own. As a result, you'll see a measured improvement in your energy level, your productivity, your relationships, and even your health and wellness.



The "Ignite Your Path" program follows a proven 4-stage framework to help you go from stuck to thriving.

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In this stage we'll define the ideal life you want to create for yourself, and identify what's really holding you back from getting there. Using proven coaching methods and strategies, we’ll get to the root of what's causing the current stress and dissatisfaction in your life, while getting crystal clear on your larger "why." You'll discover a true sense of purpose and direction based on what lights you up and matters most to you at this point in your life, and determine how it aligns with the path you're currently on and where you want to go. When you have this in place, you'll have greater clarity, and an immediate sense of relief and excitement about the possibilities ahead.

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We’ll go even deeper and uncover your unique talents, strengths and gifts, your values and “motivators,” and determine how that all “fits” within your ideal path. You’ll not only discover what your best self can actually create in your life and work, but also what it looks like to be in your “zone of genius" so that more prosperity can start to come into your life with more joy and ease. You'll start to become a more empowered and effective leader, and create results you may have once thought weren't possible. When you are aligned with your highest potential, you'll have the highest confidence in yourself to accomplish what you want the most.

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Now that you have a clear understanding of who you are at your core and what you want to create for yourself both personally and professionally, now it’s time to explore the possibilities open to you that allow you to express your full potential and purpose. At this action focused stage, you’ll take supported, easy to execute steps to test out potential possibilities, and gain certainty of your next path without having to make any dramatic, upending life changes first.

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Once you’ve targeted exactly what your path that you're fired up to follow looks like, now it’s about enjoying the journey. Discover how to overcome the fears, doubts and resistance that may come up along the way so that it won't stop you from getting to your desired destination. Learn how to realign, reimagine, or reinvent your life/career in the right way for you at this moment, and put a plan in place that builds momentum, creates energetic commitment, and keeps you on track to creating more purpose-driven prosperity and success in your life and work.

As part of the "Ignite Your Path" Program, you'll receive:

  • Weekly 1:1 coaching calls, tailored specifically to you and your desired outcomes
  • Access to a library of complementary books, coaching worksheets, videos, tools, resources and exercises to make your progress faster, easier and fun
  • Unlimited text and email support
  • 15-minute on-demand "spot coaching" calls (as needed)
Mike was feeling completely lost in his career, and it was affecting other areas of his life, including his mental health and relationships. After a few months of working together, Mike landed a new Director-level job at an organization that fully aligned with his skills, interests and values, and is thriving both personally and professionally in a new phase of his life and career! Hear more from Mike.

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About Me

Matt Mills, M.A., PCC

I know first hand how challenging it can feel when you're lost, frustrated, underpaid, undervalued, and unsure of where your life or career path is headed.

I also know that it's possible for anyone to break free from being "stuck," and the joy that comes with finding a more purposeful path that energizes, engages and motivates you because it's what you are meant to do and will support the life you want to live.

Having experienced a couple of big career and life "pivots" of my own, from Entertainment Executive to High School teacher in Tanzania, from a leader in Higher Education to Entrepreneur, I can tell you that although change may feel daunting (and isn't always easy), it IS always worth it to find the path that allows you to express your unique gifts and genius.

With over 17 years of professional experience working with individuals in the entertainment industry, media, education, tech, advertising, and many others – combined with an educational and professional background in coaching and counseling, as well as years of practical expertise in guiding individuals at all stages in their life and careers at companies such as Google, Facebook, Media Arts Lab, Salesforce, NASA, YouTube, Warner Bros and many others, I believe that no matter where you are in your own path, it IS possible to create a life and career that aligns with your true purpose, potential, strengths and values that is completely on YOUR terms.

If you're ready to "Become Ignited," then let's get started and spark YOUR fire!

Want to know what is possible for you?

Hear more from past "Ignite Your Path" participants!


From Underpaid and Undervalued, to Thriving and a Doubled salary!

Before: Sydney was ready to give it all up. She had been building a career as a literary manager, but was underpaid, feeling very undervalued, and was ready to explore a completely new path. Not only that, but she was feeling a strong sense of burn-out, purposelessness and stress that was affecting her mental and physical health.

Within a few weeks in "Ignite Your Path," it became clear to Sydney that she was already on the right track, but just needed to make a few shifts and adjustments in her life and career to realign with her ideal path.


After: With a newfound confidence, courage, and clarity, she negotiated a new contract with a salary increase that was DOUBLE what she was previously making.

Not only that, but she also is growing into a bigger leadership role at the company where she can do more mentoring of younger employees, and have a bigger influence and impact within her organization. Now she is excited about the next chapter in her career and ready to step into the bigger vision of her life with new energy, engagement and confidence!


From Overworked and Overwhelmed Advertising Executive to Living in Bali! Here is Elly in her own words:

“I’ve accepted that burn out is real, and you can’t thrive in it but there are ways to cope if I have to continue to be in that environment. I’ve learned ways to narrow down my focus for what the next job might be when I’m ready to make that move. I’ve been able to start attempting to evaluate thought patterns — not change the thoughts but assess their truth and what value they’re driving for me. I’ve also been working on knowing when something internally seems to be steering me away from a scary or ambitious goal, and recognizing this isn’t a bad thing but something that’s just trying to keep me safe.

Anyone who feels stuck in their current path, anyone interested in making changes that feel risky or out of societal norms (like taking a sabbatical to travel), and anyone who wants someone to push the edges of their thoughts and beliefs to help them grow and see things in a different way should work with Matt.”


Coaching on the Run, LLC 2022

Ethical Notice & Disclaimer

The information and processes taught through "Ignite Your Career" are real and work. However, Coaching on the Run, LLC, and Matt Mills cannot, in any good conscience guarantee any outcome of financial gain from this program.

We can teach you everything we know, but we can't implement it for you. As it is in life, how far you go is up to you and your ability to implement what is taught. It's stipulated by law and our good intentions for you that we let you know this. You'll get the best training and coaching, but ultimately it's up to you to make your desired results happen. 

Nothing on this page is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and there is no offer of any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any results referenced here are illustrative of potential results only and should not be considered promises for actual or future performance.